FLUXCON | 8th June 2024

AFROFLUX is back at B-Side Hip Hop Festival this year with another FLUXCON on Saturday 8th June from 12noon Until 5.30pm At Birmingham Hippodrome.

Afroflux will be bringing street art, martial arts, life drawing, comics, zines, gaming,  holistics and more. There’s gonna be a few surprises this year, a couple changes, but most of all we’re gonna have an amazing time. From capoeira to sustainable futures and ways into the movies: Fluxcon is the place to be – All in the midst of a Hip Hop Festival.

FLUXCON | June 2023 Recap

What’s On


with Denise Pantera

At 1pm on the 8th of June, Denise ‘Pantera’ will take us on an enthralling workshop in Capoeira

What is Capoeira: A dance, a game, and a martial art with roots in Africa that is as rhythmic as it dangerous

Join in as Denise introduces us to the swaying motion known as The Ginga and shows us how to create the energy and power that Capoeira is known for

Denise is a Capoeirista with over 20 years experience in this graceful Afro-Brazillian art alongside a gentle way of teaching that works as well for the seasoned as it does the newcomer

Bring loose fitting clothes and a flexible mindset

Time: 1pm
Venue: Studio 4
Duration: 1.5hrs

Connect with Denise on Instagram @deniseamory.r

Gaming & Occulus VR

with King Otaku Gaming

King Otaku Gaming will provide your gaming needs during the day of Fluxcon

Head to The Atrium if you feel the urge for a bit of beat-em-up energy with Otaku’s comps in Tekken, Streetfighter and the like. Or even get chilled out in the many worlds of VR / AR

Think you can beat me?

Connect with King Otaku Gaming on Instagram @kingotakugaming


with Sun Rei

The one and only Sun Rei will be back to model for a special Wavey Lines life drawing session as part of Fluxcon

Sun is an anime, manga, K-pop fan, martial artist, model, dancer and a top cosplayer who will be the focal point for our life drawing session. Not sure which character she be cosplaying as yet but it’s always a blast due to her effervescent personality

Open to all skill levels with basic art utensils available for use. Do feel free to bring your own though

Time: 3.30pm
Venue: Hippodrome Foyer
Duration: 1hr appx
Ages: all

Connect with Sun Rei on Instagram @sun.rei77

Generous Waste

with Khadijah Carberry

At 12.30 Khadijah of Generous Waste will be guiding us through a workshop on repurposing materials to make and print our own zines

Come and join in at Khadijah’s table during the Fluxcon for a print worthy splash into zines

Generous Waste as a methodology is the metamorphosis of urban imaginaries or narratives to reshape perceptions of ‘waste’ from inevitably to-be-discarded and to-be-forgotten materials into regenerative and generous material cultures that seek to trigger, celebrate and make accessible the capacity to create new urban imaginaries.

Time: 12.30
Venue: foyer
Ages: all
Duration: 1.5hrs

Connect with Khadijah on Instagram @kcmillyak  // @generouswaste

Reimagining A.I. with Afrofuturist Speculative Design

magining A.I. with Afrofuturist Speculative Design is a collaborative project between Afroflux, Blast Fest, Dr Sanjay Sharma and Dr Kavin Narasimhan who are Associate and Assistant Professors at the University of Warwick

We continually hear about the dangers of A.I. but this particular undertaking had the Blast and Afroflux communities propose ways that A.I. can be guided with Afrofuturist thinking

How can we better design our futures ?

Make your way over to Studio 4 as the Fluxcon comes to a close and join in with the conversation

Creature Movement Workshop

with Jake Nwogu

Jake Nwogu’s Monster Movement Class offers performers the skills to develop and sustain unique creatures, characters and for stage screen, the mocap volume and beyond. The class draws from Jake’s expertise in dance, creature performance, and motion capture, focusing on using breath and weight to inform movement.

Jake Nwogu is a Movement Practitioner who can dance, fight, and act like a beast. He is always looking for ways to embrace new challenges in movement expression. Jake trained in various dance genres at Arts Education Secondary School London and Central School of Ballet, and mastered other movement disciplines such as Stage/Screen Combat, Creature Work and Motion Capture

He’s used these skills with many dance companies and theatre productions as well as working in TV and film projects such as Dr Who, Gangs of London, One Shot, Doctor Strange, Humans and many more

This class is open to all levels of experience.

Please wear comfortable clothes to move in and we recommend bringing a towel and a bottle of water.

Time: 3pm
Venue: Studio 4
Duration: 1.5hrs

DJ Ali Kat

DJing for us once again will be the inimitable DJ Ali Kat

A connoisseur of the finest Hip Hop, Dub, and Reggae music she’ll be bringing the vibes as well as providing tunes for an open MC cipher on the lower levels of the Fluxcon

Hear choon

Bristol Black Horror Club with Adam Murray

We’re pleased to announce our first guest to this year’s Fluxcon is Adam Murray of the Bristol Black Horror Club

As well as being one of the founders of BBHC, Adam is a writer, cultural critic, film genre expert, presenter and programmer with his hands in many pies that range between Hip Hop, Afrofuturism and Horror

For this ‘Art Talks’ Adam will give a presentation and short Q&A detailing his travels, working with Bristol’s Watershed cinema, the BFI and of course his passion for Horror

Spaces for this Art Talks are limited and are given on an age appropriate, first come first served basis

Venue: Birmingham Hippodrome
Time: 1.30pm
8th June
Duration: 1h15m

Sara Kenney

Comic writer, film maker and producer, Sara Kenney will be back with a full crew to not only present during Fluxcon but to explore her new game, Comics and time travel

Sara and Dr Tana Joseph will be your guides through a workshop of new creative portals at 12.30. Join them for a light hearted journey through hyperspace

Or you can just pop up and speak to them over crisps at their table about new @wowbaggerproductions in film, TV, podcast and comic world

Connect with Sara on her website wowbaggerproductions.co.uk

Twitter @saramkenney

Live Graffiti Wall Art

Painting up a blaze throughout the day will be the dream team of @quiddortz, @glowidlo, @icreatenotdestroy and @sneakpekoe.  They’ll be creating an ode to the rebellious spirit that the world needs right NOW. Thorpe Street car park is the place.

Bunny Bread

Bunny is a multi-disciplinary artist returning to the Afroflux wall with his usual High Flare. You can find his community art based projects and murals across Birmingham and the UK.

Connect with Bunny on Instagram @icreatenotdestroy


#A R T D I R E C T I O N • 🎬
#G R A F F I T I • 🎨
#H I P – H O P • 🎧
#R A P • 🎤
#F A T H E R H O O D

Connect with Quiddorz on Instagram @quiddortz


Pekoe is a Bristol-based illustrator and muralist with a passion for painting walls and found objects in a unique style influenced by Dominican heritage, social justice, classical paintings and graffiti.

Connect with Pekoe on Instagram @sneakpekoe


Designer and Entrepreneur, Lo has a bold, quirky animated style of artwork that can be seen in wall art, book illustrations, album covers, logo designs and portraiture.

Connect with Glowidlo on Instagram @glowidlo


The market / expo will be open to the public for the duration of the FLUXCON from 12noon until 5pm. We’ve listed the makers and creators who will be selling their work below. The market/ expo of Fluxcon will take place in the foyer of Birmingham Hippodrome on Saturday the 8th of June during B-Side Hip Hop Festival.

Hannah Berry

Writer, illustrator and award winning comic creator, Hannah Berry will be tabling at the Fluxcon on June 8th at B-Side Hip Hop Festival

Hannah is a former Comics Laureate of the UK and one of the heads of the Comics Cultural Impact Collective, who aim to make comics better understood in education and recognised as a valuable method of learning. The CCIC is as charged about the treatment of comics and their creators.

Hannah also works as a writer for TV, podcasts and as a campaigner for penal reform and literacy programs for those affected

Come say hi to her and take a look at her amazing works as well as find out about new projects

Connect with Hannah on Instagram @streakofpith

Dr Martin Glynn

Another guest to the Fluxcon this June is Dr Martin Glynn. He’ll be showing us a selection of his collage based artworks and Ludo and Draughts boards

Dr Martin Glynn is a criminologist, dramatist, screenwriter, children’s author, and data storyteller with over 40 years experience of working in criminal justice, public health, and educational settings.  Currently a senior lecturer in criminology at Birmingham City University, and a member of the Crime Writers Association (UK).

Connect with Martin on Instagram @newmoonartz

Colleen Douglas

Making her debut at Fluxcon 2024 is the super prolific comic writer, editor and author Colleen Douglas

Colleen, has worked with publishers all over the globe including Dark Horse, Penguin Random House and Amigo Comics

Having authored comic titles such as Gargantuan and The Apocalypse Girl, Colleen also utilises her Guyanese upbringing to craft tales such as Silk Cotton with its Caribbean Supernatural Mythology and to add to the Black Horror anthology, Shook!

We’re more than happy to have Colleen tabling alongside everybody at Saturday’s convention and look forward to being able grab a few signed copies of her work

Zara Slattery

Award winning graphic novelist, tutor, illustrator and author Zara Slattery has just been confirmed for this Saturday’s Fluxcon at B-Side Hip Hop Festival!

A last minute addition to the festival that allows us to get up close to Zara’s fever-dream beautiful artwork and the intense realities behind her stories.


We’ll announce the next FLUXCON on this page.

Keep up to date with AFROFLUX online:
Instagram @afroflux_uk   |   Twitter @AfrofluxUK