You’re in the right place if you’re interested in getting involved in upcoming FLUXCON events.
FLUXCON is a platform for self exploration, freedom and creative expression, and although we don’t have a date for the next event just year, we warmly welcome speculative applications to host a space, sell what you make or to lend a helping hand. Whether you’ve been hosting or tabling at FLUXCON or conventions in the past, or whether it will be your first time, we always love connecting with people, from down the road or from the other side of the world.
Lending a helping hand
We could really do with some helping hands to host the space so that guests (and hosts) feel truly at home. Please email us at, or fill out the application form below, which will let us know how to contact you and times you are available.
If you’d like to support us from afar, please share the event with your friends and fam online:
Afroflux facebook group | Instagram @afroflux_uk | Twitter @AfrofluxUK
Just to note
If you’d rather respond with an audio or video message, or have any trouble using the form below, you can submit your answers directly via e-mail to